Modeling Complex Systems

Site News

2024-04-02 NOTE
It is worth repeating that that this site makes significant use of pdf documents. When generated they obscure the original page being read. Be sure to use the tab associated with this new document to pull the newly appearing pdf document off the original page. You will often find new text on the original page explaining the nature of this document. In addition you may simply want to view the contents of this new document while working on other pages. Otherwise you can leave it conected to the window and move back to the original page content by clicking on the tab associated with the original page.


2024-04-01 If you are following this site's progress we have not posted much in the way of new material over the past few months, but we can assure you that a lot has been going on behind the scenes. This includes learning enough Python to be dangerous so that we can present the modeling methodology in both Java and Python

You will also see that the human readable Resource Database, which is accessible through the Site Map, is being continually updated as new resources are brought to our attention. In addition, we have added the first level of a Study Plan based on the Resource Database. You can consider these Level 1 recommendations as the minimum prerequisites for building eXtended System Dynamics models. We anticipate at least two more levels, and have already partially formulated them, but they are currently too sparsely populated to present at this time.


2023-12-27 OK. We have finally decided on the modeling development platform. We will be describing this platform in detail over the next few weeks. See the section entitled Development Tools in the Methodology wib. The subsection on Coding will be of primary interest.


2023-09-14 Policy: Ever buy a textbook with its ancillary materials located on a website, and then find that as soon as a new edition of the textbook is published the website for the textbook you have in your possession simply disappears? That will never happen here as this website is the textbook. As described on our Site Map page under Resources, you are reading a Web Integrated Book which we call a "wib".

You are free to download and use any of the materials on this site. You can even use the code we show you in your commercial applications (please credit the source is all we ask). What we will object to is having our material published verbatim as if it were your own. That is copyright infringement. We don't consider the verbatim use of our code as copyright infringement, however, as we subscribe to an open source policy with respect to code. That's how science, especially medical science, ought to work.

After a great "vacation" (conferences and schooling) we are back at work. Expect to see quite a few additions to this site over the next academic year.


2023-08-15 Added multiple entries to the Resource Database.


2023-07-06 In the Site Map, under the Model Construction collection, click on the Methodology title. This will take you to the Methodology title page. Read the Preface and the Preview. Then have a look at each of the sections in the Preview container. Here you will find a complete example of a model that has been designed, coded, run and analyzed in the new eXtended System Dynamics (XSD) paradigm. Not much description is included; we save that for the following sections in this web integrated book (wib).

If you have any questions, please send a join request to the Facebook Forum. You can find the link to the Forum in the menu bar at the top of the title page and elsewhere.


2023-07-01 Welcome to the launch of this thoroughly revised version of the ModelingComplexSystems website. Although our goals are not any less modest, our focus is now laser sharp. Our current plans are to offer four web integrated books that illustrate how to solve problems using dynamic modeling. What's more, these books will be available free of charge, and without advertising, to all users of this website. There are no plans to publish these books in a printed format because of the nature of the media —the web— for which they are being designed.

Our first offering titled Methodology will be a description of how to build a multi-purpose dynamic model from concept to code in either Java or Python.

Our next three offerings will deal with the description and care of the human biosystem. These are titled The Human Biosystem, Disorders and Therapeutics, and Health Care Delivery. In reality we will be working on all four of these titles simultaneously. Most of our modeling examples will be drawn from descriptions of the human biosystem. We will publish completed sections of these books as they become available rather than wait for them to be completed.

Your models can be used to discover how a problem arises in a complex system. Once this phenomenon is understood, you will be able to propose informed solutions to a problem. In addition, you should be able to describe the potential side effects of your solution(s) within the domain of your model.

NOTE: Mechanics
We will be offering many sections of these books as pdf files because of the ease with which pages of text and images can be generated outside of a web editor. When you click on a link that generates the contents of a pdf file on your screen, it will appear to obscure the section of the book which you were currently viewing. The labeled tabs of both the original page, and the new pdf associated page, will appear at the top of your browser window. To clear your view to the original page, simply grab the tab of the pdf page by pressing your mouse button on the tab, and dragging the tab out of the original window. The pdf page will then generate a window of its own.

To discover the availability of live content, slide your cursor down the sidebar that appears on the left hand side of some of the web pages. The text for live links will show as underlined when the cursor passes over them. This is true for both bold and normal text in the sidebar. Linking text is also available on pages that do not include sidebars. The context should make it clear what text constitutes a link.